
SUPPORT/ DONATE/ SPONSOR Christian Church ministry & help the poor in the Philippines.




This little flock of the “Christ Harvest Chapel” in the Philippines… and outreach to the poor and needy children in this area. Steve Spindler is 2nd from right.

Philippines_Christian_ministry_poor_children[1]Thank you for any financial help you can give Steve and Edna Spindler, either as a one off or a regular donation… to keep a small, independent Church fellowship going in the Philippines.

They have NO form of income to live on, have used all their personal resources and don’t have any outside help, sponsors or a “Home Chuch” to depend on for financial support for this work. So Steve is about to return to America alone to try and find some employment back in America as soon as possible… try to find a Church that may be interested in helping to sponsor his work…  and be able to return to Edna and the ministry ASAP. (SEE UPDATE BELOW)

Philippines_ministry[1]The Philippines is a very poor country, many living in shacks like this. Some members of the Church visit and read Bible stories to these children in one of the poor areas every Saturday and pick up some on Sundays if their parents want. Transport there is mainly by hired Jeepneys or tricycles. As you can see it is like another world compared to Westernized society.

If you know any one else or a Church or men’s or women’s group who would be interested in sponsoring or giving a love offering to this small part of the Lord’s flock, please pass this on.

Philippines_poor_children_2[1]Please don’t leave this for someone else because there may not be anyone else! This is an URGENT appeal as of Feb. 2013… for right now they have no income to live on and cannot get work there. Steve has booked his airline tickets and will be leaving early March. The people don’t want Steve to leave but no other option has opened. He is also concerned about finding someone suitable to take over the services, Bible study and prayer meetings while he is away. Please pray for the Lord to call forth the right person. The ministry to the poor children will continue while he is away too.

(UPDATE AS AT 6th Sept. 2013: Steve left his wife Edna to try and keep the ministry in the Philippines going as he returned to America on 6th March 2013, to try and find some income and possible support from any interested Christians. He is living with his parents and has found a part time box packing  job and a church where he is attending. The work is very low wages so please pray more hours or another job will come available somehow. This is a very disheartening situation as they still wait on the Lord for His guidance and provision)

The Church offerings are ONLY about $12 – $15 a week and 10% of that is sent to another poor church which they appreciate. Steve and Edna are very humble and appreciative people and don’t take anything for themselves as a stipend out of the offerings… so they have to support themselves… whilst providing the ministry. (I just feel led to make others in the Body of Christ  aware of this need as I’m sure many others would love to help if they only knew)

Philippines_poor_people[1]The exchange rate means an Australian or American dollar goes a lot further there. Even $10 is very appreciated as they live on just over $100 a week for rent, food etc. Please pray for them for God’s guidance and supply to come in. Let’s believe the ministry to the poor and hungry children can be increased by providing food as well if enough donations come in, for this ministry may result in these little souls being saved as they come to accept and love Yeshua / Jesus and be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit!

steve_janelle_edna[1]You and I can be a part of this vital work  for the Kingdom of God on earth. Steve and Edna (pictured here with their lovely niece Janelle) are believers in Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel and have encouraged me in this website ministry about the Bride of Messiah whom He is gathering unto Himself from Jews and Gentiles. Only because Steve started emailing me about that, did I find out where he lived and what his ministry was. These are some of the photos he has sent. If you contact Steve I’m sure you could arrange to speak to him by phone or on Skype.

Yes, this is a small, unknown, independent ministry at present but the Lord is there and He sees and knows… YAHWEH SHAMMAH! More details and some of his teaching ministry notes are on a Post I made in Jan. 2013 and their contact details are at the base of that page.


2 responses to “SUPPORT/ DONATE/ SPONSOR Christian Church ministry & help the poor in the Philippines.

  1. Thank YOU Debbie. Hope you can encourage them somehow. Love in Yeshua Susan.


  2. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to help, Susan! Love you and God bless you!


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