Hello… God bless you and thanks for coming!

(photo taken on my birthday in 2012 at the beautiful lake and gardens on Ashmore Rd. Gold Coast. Good place for fellowship lunches?)

These videos are also on my YouTube channel along with lots of Favorites and other Video Playlists to view at…

There are many more songs and prophecies to record. Please put me in your Bookmarks and check back or subscribe to my email list on the Home page, for notification of new postings. Women may email me at (I’m also on Skype by arrangement)

Psalmist Susan~ Singing to YESHUA & teaching on being a Bride of Messiah~ Union with Holy Spirit

Spontaneous Love Song of HOLY DESIRE to YESHUA, Beloved Son of the Most High God & sharing how to be a Bride of Messiah. As we behold & ADORE Him we become inwardly ADORNED with His Beautiful Likeness and Love.

SING, PRAY in TONGUES- Prophetic Love Union- Yeshua- Holy Spirit- Spiritual Rest- Bride of Messiah

PRAYING & SINGING in the spirit brings an Unction to Prophesy. Sharing re Spiritual Union with Yeshua as His Bride through the Holy Spirit. “Learn of me for I am meek and lowly of heart”

Psalmist Susan~ Prophetic Song “Oh my bride why do you slumber”

As in the Song of Solomon, LORD YESHUA is wanting His Beloved Bridal Church to WAKE UP… arise from deception and apathy towards Him, repent, renew their wedding vows, make Him their first love and be faithfully waiting. He will require our Love when He comes again. Are you ready? (COPYRIGHT to my ministry. Psalmist Susan, Australia)

Mountain of His Holiness – Prophecy and Song Part 1

Sharing a personal Word, Spiritual Song and Prophecy received from my Lord Yeshua during a time of prayer. “For it is not in doctrines and laws that I come to you… but as the Living Word, as the sword of the Spirit that divides the flesh from the spirit and makes a way in the wilderness…  that makes sense out of the confusion of this world… seek my still quiet voice singing in your hearts…” etc.
He knows what we need… this was to teach me to look, hear and perceive Him first as the Living Word who has come to us… and not be confused by the teachings of men. The Holy Spirit and the Word agree. May it bless you too?
Part 2 is a song from Psalms about the “Mountain of the Lord”.. which symbolizes His Spiritual Presence in the New Jerusalem which is “above”… as well as the earthly Mt. Zion in Israel!
Please LOVE Yeshua too, be faithful to Him and prepare your heart for His appearing. Before the wrath of God is poured out, on a by then Satanic world, we’ll hear the sound of His Voice, like a trumpet and He will send out His angels to gather His Precious Bride together and take us back to the Father’s House… the Heavenly City of Light called the New Jerusalem that He is preparing for His beautiful Bride! We will be with Him on the heavenly Mt. Zion and follow the Lamb wherever he goes. He will write the Father’s Name on our foreheads. We will dwell above in the New Jerusalem during the 7 years of Great Tribulation on earth and during the 1,000 years of the Millenium reign of Christ on earth… coming down upon the New heaven and earth after that time.
All are being invited… but not all are going to be partakers of the Heavenly Calling because they haven’t chosen it… or haven’t been willing to give up their love of this “world” and it’s religious systems that don’t impart the Holy Spirit into Spiritual Union with our own spirits.
This is the Marriage Cup / Mystery of Christ in you / Initiation / Baptism of the Holy Spirit that Lord Yeshua offers those who want to be joined into His death / cross and resurrection Life!
(To me the beauty of the veil when speaking forth prophecy, is a symbol of being under the “Spiritual Covering” of YAHVEH’s Ruach Holy Spirit and living as His Bride in this world… the holy calling and blessing that Messiah Yeshua is speaking into our hearts)
Humility is the key to receiving… bowing down in the secret place of prayer and worship. This is more important now than anything or anyone else. Turn off the godless TV and seek the Lord’s Wisdom and Counsel.

Mountain of His Holiness – Prophecy and Song Part 2

An original song taken from verses in Psalms 46, 47 and 48 exhorting the people to praise YAHWEH the Holy One of Israel with all their hearts, souls, minds and physical strength. The Mountain of His Holiness can mean His Spiritual Presence in the Heavenly places as well as when His Presence dwelt in the Temple at Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. Since Yeshua made the New Marriage Covenant and poured out the promised Anointing Oil of the Holy Spirit into our hearts… then the LORD dwells in us as His Temple. We are each as beautiful living stones…shining with His Glory. HalleluYAH! (sorry I couldn’t align the sound of the timbrel dance as I did it afterwards without music… but you get the idea!)
Let’s just bow down and Praise our Heavenly Father, the Creator of Heaven and earth, with the sound of singing, clapping, playing on timbrels and stringed instruments and dancing unto Him. Anointed music that is inspired and blessed by the LORD, strengthens our spirits and faith in Him. Lift up your hands and hearts and He will fill you with His Love and Joy!

PSALMIST SUSAN – Holy, Holy, El Shaddai

I love singing of God’s Holiness… and the Angels cry Holy… and your people cry Holy! Just a spontaneous song to test the microphone and camera. Sorry sound is out of sync!

WONDERS OF CREATION- Incarnation of Yeshua- Meditation & Song

A Sacred Christian meditation/ contemplation and song of praise and thanks to the Heavenly Father, inspired by the Holy Spirit… for the wonders of God’s Creation and the Incarnation of His Beloved Son Yeshua /Jesus through Mary…the humble young woman He chose to give Him a human body and birth into this lower earth realm.

It is truly AMAZING to think about and so is our own conception and birth! What a gift of life and consciousness it is to be here as one of those who are experiencing the reality of Creation. We can barely imagine what the Heavenly Spiritual Realm will be like for those who love the Father and His Son Yeshua/ Jesus… our Savior and Messiah. Thank you Lord God Almighty for the things you have done.

(By the way it is a MEDICAL FACT that the blood of a mother does not ever flow into her developing baby via the placenta or effect his or her Blood type. So the life in Yeshua’s blood was sin free)

LORD’S PRAYER-song in the night-Psalmist Susan

This is the prayer Yeshua taught His disciples. I couldn’t sleep last night so arose 1AM to pray & worship & this is the tune the Holy Spirit inspired me to sing, as close as I could record it. A bit rough I know but please listen to my heart’s voice.Let the Bride of Messiah prepare their hearts with Love & all the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Gal.5 Let’s desire to be like our Beloved Lord in thought, word and deed.Live as “Holy unto YHWH”
Praise the Lord. This is how inspiration for new songs and tunes come during times of prayer and worship. Use little bells or tap on a notebook as I did here. I may record it again when I practice playing it on an instrument… maybe the Autoharp. (if anyone puts in a request?) See we can all sing to the Lord! Worshipers don’t have to be professional singers and musicians. Just do your best. Be taught of the Lord. He loves it because He looks at our hearts and that’s where real Spiritual worship comes from. Amen?

Blessings from Psalmist Susan in Australia

(all tunes and songs are original and Copyright to my psalmist ministry to God and His people thank you)




