Messianic Music by Joel Chernoff and Lamb (his group Lamb is now disbanded but Joel still sings solo.) You can view most of them on YouTube or play there. Enjoy    OR…  

Vision for Israel… Barry and Batya Segal are the founding directors of a humanitarian aid center in Jerusalem…

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

Christian Friends of Israel

Pastor Paul Begley’s Youtube channel…“ARE YOU SERIOUS”!!???!! Lots of inspiring last days subjects… and daily news items to do with Bible Prophecy coming to pass… yes now! Also strange changes in nature such as red water, dead animals, birds and fish, increasing earthquakes etc… Check it out

PROPHECY NEWS WATCH (get free emails)

RON WYATT’S official website. The late Mr.Wyatt Discovered the Ark of the Covenant, Sodom and Gomorrah, Mt. Sinai, the split rock, Red Sea crossing / wagon wheels, Noah’s Ark, rock anchors, etc. TRUE!

WORSHIPERS OF THE LIVING GOD MINISTRIES. Pastor Jacob Toback. Throne worship of the God of Israel… is kneeling, bowing down and falling forwards on your face before Him.  Psalm 29, “Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness” means “Render unto Ha Shem the honor that is due His name, BOW before Him in the beauty of holiness” (See his video and click on tracks on the “Music” page)

The Messianic Prophecy Bible Project… whereas most of the Orthodox Jews are still totally against Yeshua as their Messiah… when this is released on the streets of Israel it could cause a great turning to Him. Surely this is VERY timely as Jews / Israelis may be under attack from all nations soon and will need hope and faith in their God. 

EARTHQUAKE CHARTS (continually increasing in these “Last Days”

Help Persecuted Christians  or…Voice of the Martyrs   or…

Help “One Free World International“… OFWI’s goal is a world in which people are free to choose, retain, change, and express their religious or non-religious belief system in accordance with their conscience, without fear. They are Christian based... so this means they fight for persecution against Christians and the right of anyone to covert to another faith without being threatened, maimed or murdered for their own choice.

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