
NEW PROPHECY from Yeshua for His Bride…an increasing anointing as we are prepared for His coming

7.30 September 25th 2011… I have been in prayer and working on the websites all day and was just eating some food alone in the kitchen when some words from the Lord started to be quickened to me and a  very gentle anointing came upon me. I wrote them down as more words followed on, so may it bless and encourage others who are seeking the Beloved too in these last days. We are One in Him. This is a comforting word of prophecy for His Bride to balance out all the last days videos and warnings that we see and hear about. We need both aspects to keep close to Yeshua and alert about the times we are living in! Be aware this promised increase of His anointing is for those who do what He says here. It can only come through a personal, truthful and Loving relationship. Prophecy has to be accepted and acted upon to come to pass… it is working “with” the Holy Spirit… Love in Yeshua / Messiah Jesus  from Susan (Believe in and pray Psalm 91)

“As the state of the world gets worse –

The Lord will increase His anointing on His Bride – all those who Love Him – and seek Him in the secret place of prayer and worship –

They shall be dressed in white as they eschew the things of this world and desire to please only me –

They shall be covered by my Spirit in the days to come – no evil shall come near them for they have made the Most High their hiding place – their refuge in the storms of life –

And He will surely guide their steps in the way of Holiness – as they desire with all their hearts to separate themselves unto me – to seek me continually – watching and waiting for my return in the Clouds of Heaven – and I will send forth my angels with the sound of a great trumpet and the voice of the Bridegroom shall call you unto Himself –

So I say WATCH – do not be apathetic or distracted – this is what I call  soul sleep – a state of apathy towards me and the things I have said –

Love me – Love my words.

Abide in me – seek my face and you shall surely live – even though many around you may die and drop away from the faith –

Be clear about your calling –

It is only for a little while yet that I still delay my coming for you –

The Father knows the right time –  Be patient my Beloved Bride – just keep seeking me – be faithful to me – don’t be tossed and turned by the waves of the world – don’t seek counsel from others about what is happening –

Just cling to meand I will bring you forth as gold tried in the fire of affliction –

It is a beautiful thing to see the results of my calling upon your lives – of my Spirit’s working within your lives –

Do NOT be afraid – my Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and Peace –  Peace for your souls – Peace for your hearts and minds – so that you will not be afraid of these things that are coming upon the earth.

They are for the unsaved – the rebellious – for them it shall be as a nightmare to lose their belongings and ambitions in this world – but it will not effect those who know they do not belong to this world and it’s gods!

The time is getting short until my coming – no not yet – but you will sense as it draws nearer –

The Bride has only ONE need in this world – and that is my Presence with and in her –

We are One – this is the Spiritual marriage – so precious – so true – True Love – beyond that of the earth – for it is the Spiritual Marriage of God with His Beloved Ones –

A Divine union of the whole being – body, soul, mind and spirit.

You are complete in my Love –

Just know it – Be it –

In the Oneness of Divine marriage when the 2 become One –

This is the Great Mystery of Love.

The fulfillment of all the longings and anguish humanity has gone through –

The end of the birth pangs

The Glory when you see me as I really AM!



NOTE: the word “eschew” means to shun, avoid, To abstain from or shun as something wrong or distasteful .

The LORD’s dear and faithful servant Paul said… “Abstain from all appearance of evil” 1 Thessalonians 5:22




2 responses to “NEW PROPHECY from Yeshua for His Bride…an increasing anointing as we are prepared for His coming

  1. Praise the Lord for He is Good and His Mercy endureth forever!
    Blessings my friend Deb…. from Susan.


  2. Thank you, dear Susan , for your faithfulness to the calling He has put on your life . .. your faithfulness to Him. This is a blessing and a hope. Several things that you shared He also brought to me today, in a little different way, but what a confirming peace there is in that. 🙂 ( about my desire to be in His presence and a devotion coming up about to be simple concerning evil. )
    God bless you as you listen and bring His His word.
    love and prayers!


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